
Can You Recycle Or Reuse Home Insulation?

Wed, May 17, 2023

Read in 3 minutes

As professional insulation contractors in Vancouver, we come across many clients asking us this question - can I reuse or recycle home insulation? The purpose behind this question is that they want to make the most of their investment. Also, some people are more environment-conscious and try to contribute more and more towards it. By reusing old insulation, they want to reduce the demand for a new one, which reduces their carbon footprint. We have installed home insulation for many clients, and the answer to the above question depends on what type of insulation you have. Let’s look into the different types of insulation in detail:

Can You Recycle Or Reuse Home Insulation?

Reusing Home Insulation

  • Cellulose Insulation 

Cellulose insulation is already an eco-friendly variant of home insulation. It is 80% recycled newspapers and 20% non-toxic fire-resistant material. The manufacturing process of cellulose insulation is also very energy-saving. 

Even if cellulose insulation is already composed of recycled materials, you can still reuse it if it has no damage. However, when you decide to reuse the cellulose insulation, find expert insulation contractors in Vancouver for the job, and do not try a DIY approach. It is because reusing this insulation material requires expertise and specialized tools. 

So, the answer to whether you can reuse cellulose insulation is YES! 

  • Fiberglass Insulation 

Fiberglass insulation is different from cellulose insulation. However, one thing common between these two is the recycled material. Manufacturers use recycled glass in small amounts to make fiberglass insulation.  

When you install fiberglass insulation, there are chances of moisture, mold, and bacteria. These factors compromise the quality of your insulation. Before reusing the fiberglass insulation, you need to check whether there are any signs of damage or not.   

Also, when contractors install the insulation, they have to compress it. You need to check that you don’t have severely compressed insulation because you cannot reuse it in that condition. Severely matted-down insulation loses moisture control and thermal effectiveness. 

However, if the insulation is in good condition, you can easily remove the installed batts and reuse them. Don’t forget to call expert insulation contractors in Vancouver to uninstall and reuse the insulation for you.

Recycling Home Insulation 

  • Cellulose Insulation 

As we discussed above, cellulose insulation contains recycled materials. However, there are also fire retardants found in its composition. So, due to the presence of such material, the insulation becomes non-recyclable. 

However, you can reuse it, so you are doing a good bit for the environment in that case too. 

  • Fiberglass Insulation

Fiberglass insulation does not have the ideal material for recycling. However, you can still recycle it. Many US counties allow the recycling of fiberglass insulation, but there are some rules you need to follow. So, if you want to recycle it, do it responsibly and don’t just leave it out there. If you don’t think that is an option, reusing it is equally good.

  • Polyurethane Foam Insulation 

You can recycle this type of insulation only under certain conditions by following the set protocols for recycling the material. Even if you want to dispose of the polyurethane insulation, you cannot stuff it in plastic garbage bags and throw it away. Call your waste management facilities to see what you can do to dispose of the material safely. 

  • Mineral Wool Insulation

The mineral wool insulation contains recycled materials and is a perfect eco-friendly variant. Based on the type of wool used for its manufacturing, you can follow the suitable methods to recycle or reuse this type of insulation. Call your insulation contractors in Vancouver to learn how to reuse or recycle the material. 

So, now you know how to recycle and reuse different types of home insulation materials. If you have more questions, you can contact Atwal Constructions. We are one of the most experienced insulation contractors in Vancouver. We will help you by answering all your questions and uninstalling or reusing the material.