
Kitchen Renovation 101: The 5-Step Process to Follow

Mon, Dec 26, 2022

Read in 4 minutes

Renovating any part of the house seems like an exciting task. But when you step into planning and executing the ideas, it all seems very daunting.

Kitchen Renovation 101: The 5-Step Process to Follow

Renovating any part of the house seems like an exciting task. But when you step into planning and executing the ideas, it all seems very daunting. Especially, the areas like Kitchen. Trust us, at some point, you might actually regret starting your kitchen renovation. But it is all worth it in the end!

To make it a little less daunting, our home construction company in Surrey has curated a complete kitchen renovation checklist for you. Let’s look into it:

1) Set Your Priorities and Enlist Them

Do you want an upside-down transformation or bits and pieces of change in your kitchen? You must have your priorities clear before you start to plan.

Check out the references of your dream kitchen or what inspired you to get the renovation done. Look at the pain points and note what changes you require. Do you want to change the floor, the cabinets, the countertop, the sink, or everything?

Once you know what you want to change in your kitchen, you can easily plan ahead. For example, if you need to refresh your cabinets and countertop, you know what material and professional work you will need. So, the first thing you do for your kitchen renovation in Vancouver is set your priorities, enlist your expectations, and start planning ahead accordingly.

2) Look into Your Budget

Once you know what work you need during the renovation, it is time to estimate your budget. Set an amount you are willing to spend on this renovation according to your priorities and expectations. Here, you will need a little bit of research. You can look into the cost of material, professional help, etc. to come to a final figure and then set a budget.

If you think the changes you are expecting from this renovation will cost you more than you can spend, go for alternatives. For example, instead of entire cabinet changes, go for a fresh coat of wood paint and a change of hardware on your cabinets. Budget-friendly options are always available. You can also consult a home construction company in Surrey to look into your options.

3) Finalize the Design

Now that you have your priorities and budget planned, it is time to finalize your design.

Take the picture of your inspiration or reference and finalize the areas or nooks you want to renovate. Choose a color palette or theme for your kitchen aesthetics. It will help you choose the color of cabinets, wall paints, and even other decor and kitchenware.

Once you have a theme, all you have to do is stick with it and it helps you cut down the choices and make decisions easily.

4) Get the Material

Now that you have finalized your design, color palette, theme, etc. it is easy to figure out what material you need.

So, go shopping and get all the materials you need for the renovation. You will need paint, wood for the cabinets, hardware, plumbing accessories for the sink, tiles, backsplashes, countertop material, etc.

Out of all these materials, get whatever you need as per your design. If the material is not available locally, look into stores or shops in other cities. If you’re getting the material from outside your city, also look into the logistics and other things involved in the transportation.

To save yourself from the hassle, get help from professionals for kitchen renovation in Vancouver. They will help you get the stuff from the right places. It will help you save time and money.

5) Get the Work Started

If you’re doing it on your own, choose a suitable day to get the work started on your kitchen renovation and start.

However, if there is a lot of work that you cannot handle alone and don’t have expert knowledge for it, let the professionals do it for you.

Before hiring a home construction company in Surrey, talk to the professionals about the estimated time and cost, and material they will use. While hiring, keep all your questions handy and conduct an in-depth interview so you hire only reliable professionals.

With these five steps, you can begin and timely end your kitchen renovation.

If you’re looking for professionals for your kitchen renovation in Vancouver, contact Atwal Construction and Renovation Group. We offer expert kitchen renovation services at competitive prices. Contact us to learn more about our construction services.